Reclaimed parquet bathroom cupboard

Our bathroom has a collection of eccentric reclaimed and drift wood furniture and mirrors. It makes it hard to find things to fit- oddly because nothing matches. You have to be careful not to go overboard. We didn’t want to change the bathroom but the vanity unity was tiny- and a bit rubbish.

To counter this a wall medicine cupboard was proposed. It couldn’t have a mirror, as we have a massive one, couldn’t be painted, as it would clash with the vanity unit and not too bulky as you bang your head.

With this daunting list of objections in mind, I cracked on. I had a parquet table top left over. Made with the intention of making a pair of cast iron parquet tables, five years later, one table was all that was ever created. This left the table top for a project and the perfect basis for the door of my new cupboard.

Next was the pesky tar on the back of the parquet. Again I couldn’t face sanding, so sourced some thin oak and glued- like some shelves I recently made.

The frame was reclaimed hardwood slats sourced from my favourite Oxford wood store- along with the parquet (originally from Bailliol College, Oxford). All were simply nailed and clued together. Complete with antique brass hinge and catch. The shelf was high, we wanted bottles in here we didn’t want our toddler to get to eg bleach. The outer edge of the door was oak edging glued on and all was sanded and waxed.

You will notice there is no back to the cupboard, this was intentional, to keep as narrow as possible and as close to the wall. In a different place a back can be attached.

What’s with the hole? I’m undecided what to do here. I could cut a piece of parquet and paste in. On the mind is the opportunity for a creative flourish- open to suggestions from anyone? In the mean time it works as a handle for opening.